Wednesday, January 20, 2010

34 weeks! 6 weeks to go!

Wow!! I have completely let this blog go! To keep you posted things have been going great! I have been very blessed with this pregnancy. Of course, I am tired but pretty much this pregnancy has been text book for me. I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions since mid 20 weeks but it is all healthy. Braxton Hicks are a way for your uterus to practice for the big day. So go ahead uterus keep on practicing!

I feel huge but I have gained about 22lbs so far but I have six weeks to go which means probably another 6-10lbs. We keep saying we are going to take pregnancy pictures but somehow we haven't gotten around to it. I haven't experienced any swelling which I am pretty sure I can thank my yoga practice. I am still planning on a natural childbirth even though everyone around me keeps telling me different. It's kind of funny, you would think something so instinctual you would get more support. However, I am learning that a lot of people have a lot to say about my I am grateful even though some of the stuff is out of this planet. I am grateful because I have enough people around me that care for me to give me advice. I take what I need from it and move on. Back to the natural childbirth...I am planning on laboring at home and going to the hospital last minute. I am really looking forward to it, I actually can not wait. At first I was intimidated now I just can't wait to meet Jack!!!

Jack's room is almost complete. The furniture arrives Monday and I can not wait. Thanks Mom and Dad for the beautiful furniture for Jack! If you want to check it out click here. We already have so many beautiful outfits too! Eddie's mom and dad bought us the travel system we wanted too! I'm so anxious to put the car seat in my car but Eddie is making me I may start packing my bag for the hospital within the next week. I just want to be

The nesting has definitely set in and I am driving everyone, especially Eddie crazy! My mom is coming over today to help me organize a linen closet. Ask me why I have to organize a linen closet and I can't give you an answer. Anyway, she has been so good to me helping me with everything I need and sometimes demand.

My baby shower is coming up (1/31/2010)..yes I know about it. I had to know about it because of my YTT classes. I am really looking forward to it. I think I may be the only person on earth the loves baby showers (and even bridal showers). So I am sure I am going to love mine. I am looking forward to seeing my family and Eddie's family that are traveling very far to come (some from Canada and some from Louisiana). I also can't wait to see my family from NJ and all my friends!!

After the baby shower is over I guess it is time to slow down which is something I am not sure I can handle. I've been so blessed to busy with my business that I don't want to stop. I am getting more tired so I can not see as many clients that I used to see pre pregnancy but my clients have been grateful for whatever time I can give.

My YTT class is almost over. In fact, we graduate 3 days before Jack's due date. I hope I make it!! Now more than ever I am so happy I decided to take this class during my pregnancy. I have created such a bond with Jack through this program. I have also made some new friends and have learned so much.

Enough blabbing for now. I promise to keep this blog up to date, the next few weeks should be interesting.

Lots of love,


PS the pic I added to this entry is from my ultra sound at 32 weeks.. Look at his chubby cheeks! keep in mind the picture is actually a "slice" so his nose doesn't look like that

Monday, November 16, 2009

Latest Baby photo

Here is a photo from a few weeks ago. It is a 23 week ultrasound pic. We had to have the ultrasound done again after the 20 week because the first time the baby was breech. The US tech couldn't get could pics of the heart the first time. Everything looks perfect and we are hitting the 25 week mark! I feel huge!! I have gained 17 lbs so far but am feeling short of breath at times. It could be the way the baby is sitting or that my body isn't used to the weight and it is pulling on my ribcage (as per chiropractor).

I have been getting a bit light headed at times but its manageable. This whole pregnancy thing really puts it into perspective. We need to stop and take time.

In the meantime I am loving my yoga teacher/therapist training. I am really glad I decided to do this now. I think Jack will benefit from it as well. He loves the chanting we do!! He moves all around and kicks. I love it!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


IT'S A BOY!!! We found out two weeks ago and things have been nuts!! We are so excited!! His name is Jack!! Everything looks great at the ultrasound. I have to go back next week just so they can take some better pics of his heart. He was breech the day of the ultrasound so the Dr. couldn't get a good picture of the He also had his legs crossed so I'm not sure how we were so lucky to have him open his legs...but he did!!

We are so blessed and happy!!

I promise to keep you posted!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Big week coming up

So less than a week away we have our 20 wk ultrasound. Do you know what that means? Well, it means that they check the baby to make sure everything looks right. It also means we get to find out if it is a boy or girl!! So place your bets now! This is so exciting! I am feeling the baby kick more and more everyday. I went "window" shopping with my mom today to look at baby furniture. It was so much fun! Besides the ultrasound withe perinatologist we also have to visit the regular OB. I am dropping the "bomb" that I am going with the Bradley Method which is natural child birth. I am pretty sure my group will be cool with it. I do not want to have an epidural nor do I want to be attached to monitors and IV's. I also want the baby with me 24/7 no taking him/her away.

This weekend I have my yoga teacher training so it is going to go by fast! I can not wait for next week!!

Love, Maria

Monday, September 28, 2009

Yoga Teacher Training

So, the best thing I have done so far in this pregnancy is start my yoga teacher/therapist training. It is a six month program and I graduate a few days before the baby is born. I am blessed to be studying at Kula Kamala Yoga in Lakehurst. My teacher Sharon is an amazing woman. I think this experience is so great for the baby too. Not only the physical portion of the yoga but the peacefulness, the meditation and the chanting. Plus it has to make it easier for childbirth. My classes run every other weekend Friday nights and Saturday and Sunday from 12-8pm. I am very thankful to Ed for supporting me in doing this class. Without his support I wouldn't have done it.

Yoga does a body good inside and out.

Last Doctors appointment

WOW! I've been slacking with this blog! I was at the doctor over two weeks ago. Everything is going as planned. I've been learning so much from the Bradley Method so the next visit I'm going to have a lot of questions for my doctor. Plus I'm working on my birthing plan with Ed so our wishes are clear. I'm feeling the baby move a lot today. It kind of tickles a bit. Sleeping at night is not so great! I guess this is God's way of preparing me for no sleep once the baby arrives!

We find out if we are having a girl or boy on October 15. I can not wait to know. I initially thought a girl and kind of still do. However, everyone but my mom thinks it's a boy. It should be interesting to find out.

Sorry for the late update. Promise to keep you posted on the October 15th visit!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Birthing Class

So, last night we went to our first birthing class. I'm choosing to go natural so as a recommendation from my friend Maria we are doing The Bradley Method. We have about 8 weeks of this class and I learned sooo much last night. I'm really excited we chose this method. Tomorrow I have my monthly visit and I am dreading the fact that they have to draw more blood...YUK!!

Talk to you soon!